Continuous cooperation with voluntary fire brigades

Along with the active implementation of fire protection measures, as a socially responsible company, INA Group, with numerous activities and donations, participates in improving the state of fire protection and firefighting in general. In order to raise awareness of the importance of firefighting and draw attention to the importance of educating young people in the field of firefighting, and in order to increase the number of professional firefighters, in the premises of VFD Žrnovnica on 22 May 2019, a large-scale afforestation campaign with 1,200 new seedlings was announced. The afforestation action was carried out under the expert supervision of Hrvatske šume, d.d. in the area around Žrnovnica, in the Star Village of Mosor, which was ravaged by fire last summer. In addition to Hrvatske šume, VFD Žrnovnica and INA Volunteers’ Club, young members of VFDs from Šibenik-Knin County also took part in the action. Last year, INA provided aid to the subject VFDs in the form of a donation for settling the costs of transportation to the firefighting school for participants who enrolled therein in order to become professional firefighters.