Final demonstration in the tanker port of the Solin Terminal

As part of the event “May – Fire Protection Month” in 2019, the Final Demonstration was held in the tanker port of the Solin Terminal. The drill simulated an explosion on the hull of a tanker, search of the tanker with the help of divers and ground forces, crew injuries and assistance with a helicopter rescue. In extinguishing the simulated fire, the well-synchronized actions of the firefighters of INA-Vatrogasni servisi d.o.o. and the firefighters of the local community were perfectly clear, and it was once again proven that a well-coordinated team can react even in the most complex of emergencies. In addition to INA-Terminal employees, participants in the drill were as follows: PFB of INA-Vatrogasni servisi d.o.o. Solin, PFB of the City of Split, VFD Solin, VFD Vranjic, VFD Mladost – Kaštel Sućurac, VFD Kaštel Gomilica, Harbour Master’s Office Split, Split Port Authority, Split Maritime Police, Brodospas, Sepen Tanker, Forca Tanker, Legio Quarta, CMRS and RoC MoD.

Watch the video about the fire drill at the link